Conewango Creek Makes it to the Final 6!!
Today we received a surprise in our email. The Conewango Creek was nominated for the PA River of the Year by the CCWA. Today we were notified that the Conewango Creek was picked as one of six finalists for 2011. There were almost 100 nominations to sift through. The contest is run by the Pennsylvania Organization for Watersheds and Rivers (POWR) for the PA Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR). The nomination required a description of the Creek, why it deserves to be River of the Year and what we would do to celebrate it. The winner will receive $10,000.00 to celebrate their river in 2011.
The other rivers chosen as finalists for 2011 were: Clarion, Delaware, Kiskiminetas and Stoneycreek and Pine Creek. The final winner will be determined by an online survey in which each person gets one vote. This facet of the contest is new and is intended to allow more input from the people about what waterway receives the award.

Each year, POWR helps DCNR solicit nominations for the River of the Year, the annual recognition by DCNR that helps raise awareness about the importance of rivers, their conservation needs, and their recreational and economic impact on watershed communities. Presented annually since 1983, River of the Year designations also honor local residents, governments, businesses and non-profit organizations working to improve waterways and the quality of life in their watersheds across the state.
Local organizations must take a leadership role in celebrating the river, including committing to a one- to two-day sojourn and a series of events throughout the year. That organization will receive a $10,000 POWR grant to support those efforts, and additional funding is available for the sojourn.
Last year, the Lackawaxen River Conservancy helped organize tons of great events to let people know about what an incredible resource the Lackawaxen River is, including a 2 day Sojourn paddling trip in June.
POWR is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to protecting Pennsylvania’s rivers and streams. For more information see their website: