Mark your Calendars: Warren Gives is May 15, 2024

Conewango Creek Watershed Association (CCWA)is participating in the Annual Warren Gives Online Fundraising Campaign being held Wednesday, May 15, 2024 from 6 am to 10 pm. Thank you to all the donors from past years! Your donations are critical to our mission. We hope you will donate again this year.
Donors can sign up for a reminder email under at Simply provide your email address and you will receive a friendly email reminder on event day.
Match dollars have been raised to $70,000 this year. These dollars are apportioned out to all charitable organizations participating. In past years our part of the match has worked out to be a little over 10% and every dollar helps! Any Donor giving $20 or more gets a CCWA membership at no additional charge.
Donate and Learn More HERE: Warren
Credit & Debit Cards Accepted!
Donating to one or many of your favorite organizations has never been easier or more affordable!
VISA, MasterCard and DISCOVER credit and debit cards accepted.
How to Donate

You can safely donate to one or more of you favorite charities in one transaction. Minimum donation per charity is $10. The site has high level security software. The Community Foundation of Warren County pays all the processing fees! And there is $70,000 in matching donations. Make you donations go a little farther.
If you prefer you can send a check directly to Conewango Creek Watershed Association, 4000 Conewango Ave, Warren, PA 16365 but you r donation will not be eligible for matching funds.