The mission of the Conewango Creek Watershed Association is to promote the health of Conewango Creek so that landowners, citizens, visitors, and municipal officials together take an active role in sustaining the resources of the creek and its watershed.
This mission will be pursued through, but not limited to, the identification and evaluation of potential resource problems in the watershed, the development of practical solutions to address resource concerns, and the involvement and education of those living within the Conewango Creek watershed community.

The CCWA is a grassroots organization formed in 1999 to promote stewardship that enhances water quality and related resources throughout the Conewango Creek watershed. To accomplish this, the CCWA is focused on three goals.
- Identify potential resources problems
- Develop practical solutions to address those problems
- Educate citizens in the watershed about the wise use of our valuable resources

Voluntary support from the membership is the heart of the CCWA’s activities. If you believe in the mission statement of the CCWA and would like to be a partner in its efforts, please consider becoming a member. Everyone has talents that can be utilized to better our communities. Whether you’re a farmer, business professional, housewife, or student, the CCWA invites you to join us. Become involved in making a difference in your watershed by participating in educational programs, stream monitoring, clean-up days, construction projects, and much more. Share your personal experiences and expertise with others and make a difference in the quality of our communities and natural resources.